Women-Owned Small Business WOSB & EDWOSB

Strategic Alliance Solutions > Women-Owned Small Business WOSB & EDWOSB

Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting program

  • To help provide a level playing field for women business owners, the
    government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses that
    participate in the women’s contracting program.
  • These contracts are for industries where women-owned small businesses
    (WOSB) are underrepresented.
  • Joining the women’s contracting program makes a business eligible to
    compete for federal contracts set aside for the program. Firms can still
    compete for contract awards under other socio-economic programs they
    qualify for.
  • 5% government-wide contracting goal

Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business

  • To help provide a level playing field for women business owners, the
    government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses that
    participate in the women’s contracting program.
  • These contracts are for industries where women-owned small businesses
    (WOSB) are underrepresented. Some contracts are restricted further to
    economically disadvantaged women-owned small businesses (EDWOSB). The SBA maintains a list of those eligible industries and their NAICS codes.
  • Joining the women’s contracting program makes a business eligible to
    compete for federal contracts set aside for the program. Firms can still
    compete for contract awards under other socio-economic programs they qualify for.
  • 5% government-wide contracting goal
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